You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2011.

Last year my son and I joined some of our neighbours in a nearby park for Clean up Australia Day. Not only did we get to meet some new people but we also had a great explore around our local neighbourhood, picking up a whole lot of rubbish in the process!

Our best find was an out-dated computer printer, dumped in some bushes at the back of one of the local ovals.

My son loved the adventure of it, the sense of achievement and coming back with a massive sack full of rubbish, including a few exciting finds. On top of that we had a great little mother and son, hang out time. He was so keen, he wanted to do it again a couple of weeks later!

Clean up Australia Day – coming to a park, beach or spot near you on Sunday 6 March 2011. For more information.

The recent plethora of natural disasters in Australia has reminded of the sensitivity of Australia to climate change.

A recent article by Crispin Hull in the Canberra Times collected some of my thoughts, although I believe it was printed with a much less controversial title than the on-line version!

See ‘Cyclone not God-made freak but man-made warming’

Whether we like it or not, the forecast is for a potential increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters such as cyclones, bushfires and drought.

How are we going to respond? Fatalistic complacency or thoughtful action?

I hope this makes you think!

coloured pencils

Back to school time and I am trying to make a few adjustments to our families’ lifestyle, so that we are not continuing the Canberra trend of having the biggest ecological footprint of anywhere in Australia!

Here are a few of my ideas:

1)      More walking and riding to school. Difficult to achieve as a working Mum, but the days when I am not working we will aim to walk/ride. Plus last year discovered the joys of the walking school bus and this fits with work, so aim to have that as a once a week event.

2)      Less pre-wrapped food. Although I do appreciate the convenience of being able to throw a muesli bar or similar into the lunchbox. A couple more minutes putting something together should not be a big deal!

3)      Helping out with the school garden/composting. We’ll see how I go – a noble idea!

This is probably enough to get started on, will try being consistent and then expand to other things…. if we have achieved these.

[1] The average Canberran’s ecological footprint is above the national average and nearly three and a half times the global average. The Canberra Times, 14 Dec 2010.

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